Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3D HDTVs and What You Should Know free movie downloads for ipod touch

There has been plenty of rumors and reviews about 3d TVs and how it may take over the television market. Within the next nine yrs one market research firm predicts the 3D TV market is going to grow nearly four times. Meaning almost everybody may be viewing, sports,free movie downloads for ipod touch, movies, etc on a television that seems to make the images jump off the screen.

Before you get a 3D TV you should know more about it. For example: Do you need a new blue-ray player to watch 3D movies? YES. Is 3D more expensive? No not really. Can you view 2D television (normal quality)? Yes 2D and 3D can be turned on and off at the user's will.

3D TVs is pretty much stereo for your eyes. One right image and one right image. In fact 3D video and pictures is sometimes done by using left and right lenses that are slightly off set. How offset? Its as about as offset as a pair of human eyes. Its about 4 inches or 7 centimeters. Its called stereopsis. The mind is under the impression that its viewing two different images on the screen,movies downloads for android phone, from 2 different angles. The same 2 viewing images as your eyes. This fools your brain into seeing depth. Right now Television companies can project those 2 pictures on to one screen at the same time without making them unclear and its to expensive to have 2 different TVs for each eye. So they came up with two main ways to trick your brain into seeing focused 3D images on one screen.

3D TVs currently falls into two separate categories. 3D movies you can view with polarized glasses and 3D television you can view with shutter glasses.

This is how active shutter functions. The glasses are fueled by batteries and our linked to an emitter in your 3D TV. The emitter in your Television uses info-red signals that tells your lenses to either close or open. Such as a window shutter. This is possible because of quick flashing left and right images on the screen. It happens over 100 times a second. This is why its nearly impossible to turn your LED TVs or a Plasma television into 3D. This is referred to as HZ. Also known as the refresh rate.

Alright so your aware about active shutter glasses,free bootlegging movies downloads, but that's not the only way to see 3D. If you've ever been in the movie theater and seen a 3D movie then chances are you were wearing polarized glasses, just like shutter glasses. Polarized lenses lets you see different slightly off-set images in each eye. Tricking your mind into seeing 3D, Movie theaters have two different projectors flashing both right and left pictures on the screen. Its not blurry because the left lens only lets your left eye see only the left the left picture and the right lens only lets your eye see the right picture and remember polarized lens dont need to be battery powered or synchronized, they're passive.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

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